The truth about hair implants.

Doctora especializada en implantes capilares realizando una consulta a un paciente.

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In this article of “The truth about hair implants: myths and facts”, we will clear up some of the main questions and myths about hair implants to help you make a more accurate decision.

Hair loss is a problem that affects many people, whether it is due to androgenetic alopecia, stress or ageing.

Alopecia is a condition that affects a large number of people around the world. Although there are no exact figures, it is estimated that about 6.8% of the world’s population, i.e. about 50 million people in the United States and about 350 million people worldwide, suffer from alopecia.

The incidence of alopecia is similar in men and women and can affect people of any age, although it is more common in younger and older adults.

With the increasing popularity of hair loss treatments, many people are seeking information about hair implants, also known as hair transplants. However, with any medical procedure, there are many myths and misinformation circulating online.

Hair transplantation is a technique of transplanting hair follicles from a so-called “donor area” of the scalp (usually the back and sides of the head) to a bald or thinning area. The technique is performed under local anaesthesia and is considered an outpatient procedure, which means that the patient can return to daily activities after the surgery. However, in the vast majority of cases we recommend relative rest for a week.

One of the most common myths about hair transplants is that the transplanted hair will not look natural. However, advances in hair transplant technique have improved significantly in recent years, allowing transplanted hair to look and grow naturally. In addition, hair transplant surgeons can tailor the technique to individual patient characteristics, such as hair growth pattern and density, to achieve even more natural-looking results.

Another common myth is that hair implants are painful. Although the procedure may cause some discomfort, patients receive local anaesthesia to minimise pain. In addition, recovery is usually quick and uncomplicated.
Some people believe that hair implants are only for men, but this is also false. Hair loss affects both men and women, and hair implants are an effective option for both genders. Specialised surgeons can adapt the technique to address hormonal differences and scalp characteristics between men and women.

Another myth is that hair implants are expensive. While costs can vary, financing options are available.

Another point to keep in mind from “the truth about hair implants: myths and facts” is that the surgeon performs the procedure and not the assistants.


Why is it important that a hair surgeon performs the hair transplant operation?

It is important that a trained and experienced surgeon performs a hair transplant operation for several reasons:

Safety: A specialised surgeon is better prepared to minimise the risks and complications of the procedure.

Results: A hair surgeon has the experience and skills necessary to achieve natural and desired results. The manipulation of the follicular units. What type of extraction and implantation. It is advisable to use micromotor and implantation with forceps or implanter to achieve a perfect survival of the hair graft.

Knowledge: A hair surgeon has specialised knowledge of the anatomy of the scalp and hair transplant techniques, which allows him/her to adapt the procedure to the individual needs of each patient.
A good procedure is not to deplete the donor area “depletion”. Depletion of the area means depletion of the donor area, which happens when the area is overexploited by a hair transplant. These factors are very important in order not to damage the donor area and to make the best use of it within its limits.
Post-operative care: A hair surgeon will be available to offer guidance and post-operative care to ensure a quick and smooth recovery.

Certifications: It is important to look for surgeons with specific training (master’s degree in hair transplantation) as these certificates guarantee that the surgeon has completed specific training and passed tests to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in hair transplantation.

In short, it is important to choose a trained and experienced hair surgeon to ensure safe, effective and natural looking hair transplant surgery.


Is it better to have hair implantation in Spain or Turkey?

The choice between having hair implanted in Spain or Turkey will depend on the individual needs and preferences of each patient. Both options have advantages and disadvantages.

In Spain, there are many  specialised and experienced hair transplant surgeons who offer a wide variety of techniques and financing options. Patients can be assured that they are in a safe medical environment, performing interventions in a welcoming space and under conditions of maximum asepsis. Respecting all protocols and good practice guidelines in hygiene, prevention and safety.

In Spain you can communicate with professionals in their native language. However, costs can be higher compared to other countries, but with today’s techniques this problem has been solved. In Spain, hair transplant procedures are nowadays very affordable.

Turkey is known for offering hair transplant treatments at lower prices than in other countries, which makes it an attractive option for many patients. In addition, there are many trained surgeons and specialised hair transplant centres in Turkey. However, there are some dangers of having surgery in this country, you can check our publication>> and read the more than 50 comments.
However, it is important to keep in mind that patients may face problems with communication and post-operative follow-up due to cultural and linguistic differences.

Finally, some people believe that hair implants are a permanent solution to hair loss. However, it is important to keep in mind that hair loss continues after the procedure, and more treatments may be needed over time. In addition, it is important to continue to take proper care of the transplanted hair, following the surgeon’s instructions and — taking care of your overall health>>

It is important to keep in mind that hair loss is an ongoing process and there is no permanent solution to it. However, hair transplantation can be a long-term solution to improve the appearance of hair and restore a patient’s confidence. It is important to talk to a specialist doctor and hair transplant surgeons to assess whether hair transplants are right for you and whether it is a long-term solution for your particular case.
In summary,  hair implants are an effective and increasingly popular option for treating hair loss. With advances in technique, surgeons and their medical team, the results are becoming more and more natural. However, it is important to research and understand the costs, possible side effects and limitations of the procedure before making a decision. It is essential to speak to a medical specialist to assess whether hair implants are right for you.

May. Medical hair clinic specialising in hair transplants. Request your free personalised hair diagnosis.



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Picture of Autor artículo: Christopher Guillemat

Autor artículo: Christopher Guillemat

Tricólogo y asesor en implantes capilares: Máster en prevención y corrección de la calvicie (Francia 1991). Máster en Tricología (Francia 1996). Especialista en prevención y corrección de la calvicie desde hace 30 años.
• Consultas informativas y asesoramiento sobre tratamientos y trasplantes capilares.
• Gestión de pacientes y acompañamiento durante el pre y postoperatorio.
• Gestión de equipos médicos especializados en trasplantes capilares.
• Gestión de pacientes, consultas y seguimiento.

El contenido de esta entrada ha sido elaborado por el autor junto con el departamento de Comunicación de May instituto médico capilar.

RRSS May clínica:


Máster en Tricología

Consultas  y asesoramiento sobre tratamientos capilares


Nº Colegiado 61505

Cirujana especialista en implante capilar


Nº Colegiado 35850

Cirujana especialista en trasplante capilar


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